Are you starting your days in a proactive or reactive mode?

How is your week starting? 
How are you starting your week?  
Do you see a difference in those questions?  The second one is putting you in the driver’s seat.  Your week is not happening to you.  It is your week and you are choosing how to begin it.  
One of the challenges that many of my clients come to me with is being reactive versus proactive.  They feel that they are not in the driver’s seat but rather are reacting to everything that is coming their way.  They want to move away from this. And we work to make this shift.  
Do you feel you are more in a reactive versus proactive mode?  Now this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to respond to external people or events, you still need to do this.  But it does mean you have clear goals and direction that you are executing on and you are able to make progress on them each week; each day.  And if you need to pivot because of external factors, you are able to do so yet remain in alignment with your mission.  
So, how are you starting your week?  Or, let’s break it down.  How are you starting your day?  Especially right now when we are in a crisis.  There is a lot to react to right now.
My number one tip for your day is to not roll over and look at your phone.  Our relationship with our phones is generally reactive.
Instead, consider other actions you can take to set your day up for success and set your intention.
I personally wake-up, think about my intention for the day, make my coffee and answer the following three questions*:

  1. What are three things I am grateful for?

  2. How will I make today great?

  3. What is a positive affirmation?

It is not a long process, but it does get my mind in order.  By starting my morning focusing on myself, I am able to focus better on everything (and everyone) else for the rest of the day.  
So, I ask you – how will you start your day tomorrow?  What are you going to do to operate in a more proactive mode?

*These are from The 6-Minute Diary by Dominik Spenst