Ep. #135: The Role of Collaboration in System Change
/“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. ”
More information can be found at www.socialchangeleaders.net
When was the last time you collaborated to change a system? With the challenges of the pandemic, distrust in leaders and political polarization, system change can often feel out of reach. But think about who you can collaborate with on that path of radical transformation. A critical element of system change is collaboration. In this episode, Traci discusses some tips to change systems through effective collaboration. In this episode you will:
Learn more about the role of system change
Hear about what ‘upstream’ approaches mean
Understand how success in any collaboration between organizations rests on the quality of relationships
Reflect on the importance of remembering that we all are part of systems and interact with them and can support system change
Understand the importance of good communication and common language
Hear more tips including how to effectively get to the root cause of issues
In this episode we referenced:
Ep. #125: Think in Systems: A New Paradigm For Social Change Leadership