Ep. #155: How to Develop a Strong Social Impact Pitch
/“ If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter. ”
Are you confident when talking about the social impact you are trying to make? Do you struggle with making a clear and concise statement about the work you are doing? Putting a persuasive pitch together that is short and interesting can be a challenging task, but we make it simple for you. We have created a template called the Social Impact Pitch to help you create an effective and good pitch about the work you are doing to bring positive change to the world.
In this episode you will:
Learn about what a social impact pitch is and how it will benefit you and the work you are doing
Hear why taking some time to develop a social impact pitch is important
Discover the key elements of a social impact pitch so you can create one for yourself
Get some tips on important things to keep in mind when developing your social impact pitch
Learn how the social impact pitch can be the beginning of an ongoing conversation and a relationships
Learn a few tools to use once you have your social impact pitch that will improve your delivery and confidence
To learn more:
Traci Warnberg-Lemm, Social Motion
Stephanie Malon-Rufi, Spark Good
Social Change Leaders Podcast episode #12, How to Increase Your Confidence and Maximize Your Impact, a conversation with Polly Meyer, Executive Presence Coach
Get the “Social Impact Pitch” download.