Ep. #105: Managing and Reducing Decision Fatigue
/“The truth is, it is not about will power, it is about reducing decisions.
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Have you felt burnt out from all the decisions you are making each day? Did you know that it is estimated that the average adult makes 35,000 decisions per day?! When we have too many decisions it can tax our brains and leave us mentally and physically exhausted. And, this leads to decision fatigue. Co-host and social business coach, Stephanie Malon-Rufi, leads us through this episode about what decision fatigue is, why you should pay attention to it and what you can do to minimize experiencing it. In this episode:
Learn about the definition of ‘decision fatigue’ and its origins
Hear some of the ways decision fatigue shows up
Understand the importance of recognizing decision fatigue in both your personal and professional life
Get some ideas and tips to reduce or eliminate some of the decisions you make that will reduce the effect of decision fatigue
Consider the following questions:
Have you ever experienced decision fatigue?
Do you experience this regularly? When does it most often happen?
What have you put into place to help prevent decision fatigue?
What is one change you can make to reduce this in your life?
In this episode we reference: